New Owner

Pandora car alarms new ownership. 

Congratulations on the purchase of your new vehicle and an even more of a congratulations that you have already had upgraded security added to protect your vehicle of vehicle theft. 

What to do first: 

The most important thing to have is the Green/Blue membership card which will be the same size as a credit card (see below)

If you have this card then turn it over to see which card it is. You will either have a GPS/GSM system or a NON GPS/GSM SYSTEM. See below to see which one you have. 


I have the Non GPS/GSM cards? -  There is no need to transfer the system into your name as you system will have no tracking. You may want to book the car into a demo of the alarm or an alarm service/set up as you can set the bluetooth set to your phone. You can also upgrade the system to a GPS/GSM system. To do this, you will be able to find a local installer click here to search for your local installer or call 0121 281 6565. 

I have a GPS/GSM card? - This will have tracking and will be needed to transfer into your name. You will be required to have a mobile number which is linked to the alarm system and is usually on the green card as a sticker shown in the photo above. If you do not have this, we may be able to find your number by the car registration number or old owners name/mobile number. If you have these, you can contact pandora 0121 281 6565 for this. If you do have the number then you can transfer your details here: TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FORM

You will need to pay for a subscription which will give you 12 months and you can pay this via the form. Once submitted, we will have the details from the old owner removed and reset so it is all fresh and an email will be sent to you on how to set up your alarm with your phone. You may still need to book in for a demo or service of the alarm which is highly recommend as you can learnt he's system, have the system checked over and have your number set into the alarm which  unfortunately can not be done remotely. call 0121 281 6565 to book in a HQ or find your nearest installer here (Prices will be applicable and will vary depending on installer)



The unfortunate but also fortunate part of the card is that there is only one unique card per alarm. This is for security reasons and unfortunately can not be re-generated. So without the card, you can do the following: 


- Book in for an alarm swap - This is the best option as you can pay to have a new alarm brain fitted which will come with a brand new card. We can also offer a demo of the system and set up the alarm to your preference. Prices will vary depending on the alarm so without knowing which alarm it is, you may need to book it in and we will check the alarm before any work is done first. (if you have the manual then this will also be useful to know what alarm it is). Please call 0121 281 6565 for availability or a quote on the alarm brain swap price. you can also contact your local installer for a price too. (Prices will vary as installers are independent companies) 

- Contact the garage/origional owner - This can be useful as they may have a photo of the membership card or have made a note on the numbers/details from the card. We do not keep any of these details on file unless they contact us to let us know in which case it is worth emailing us the car details and if you have the old owners name, we can also check for you. You will need to prove ownership of the vehicle in order for us to do this. 

- Have the system removed (Any authorised installer can do this for you but please be aware that once removed, your vehicle will be unprotected and will become vulnerable)

- Leave the system as it is - Although this is fine to do, we would still advise booking the vehicle in for an alarm service update. If anything does go wrong with the system you may not have any information to have it sorted. We can check the alarm and even confirm which system it is once we take a look. You can book in with us or find your nearest installer here